RuinedGuards Rules

do not interact:
pedophile / pro-ship / don't think fiction = reality
terf / truscum / transphobic / lgbtphobic
racist / fascist / anti Semitic / zionist
anti-kin / reality check people
if you stan media and characters that contributes to real world harm (ouma, hisoka, south park, hetalia to list a few)
kink or nsfw blogs

for your information:
credit to use our work;
please do not copy any editing style or personal coloring (see intellectual property.)
do not repost our edits or edit them
we block freely.
we do both honkai and genshin, mod hu tao can do tears of themis as well!

to request
be respectful; be patient.
understand that we can deny any request for any reason.
if you want more than one request send them in sperate asks.
you may be as specific as you please, and you may ask us to redo / edit a request if it does not fit what you want.
please let us know if we should leave out certain tags or not.

Mod Luc

about: he/they, 19, white.

offers: aesthetics, icons, gif icons, gif edits, headers, layouts, pendulum readings.

blacklist: valentines day, irl death, eula lawrence, ayato kamisato, traveler ships, and kaeluc, otto, sin mal.

whitelist: jean, kiana, kujou sara, la signora, lumine, mobius, ningguang, raiden mei, raiden shogun, shenhe, tartaglia, xiangling, yae sakura, yun jin

Mod Hu Tao

about: he/she/it, 20, mixed

offers: icons, reply icons, gif icons, dash icons.
aesthetics, wallpapers, layouts, headers.
gif sets, stimboards, instaboards.
stamps, dnis, banners, userboxes.
model edits and renders.
pendulums, tarot.

blacklist: medical stuff, tartali, eula, ayato, otto, sin mal, dottore, traveler ships, xiao, ganyu, and zhongli shipped together, probably more but idk

whitelist: zhongli, ganyu, scaramouche, kokomi, all of the honkai girls, kevin (lol), kalpas